Oscar Pistorius walks free after serving half of his murder sentence

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Oscar Pistorius, the former Paralympic champion who shot and killed his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp in 2013, has been released on parole after serving half of his 13-year sentence for murder.

The South African Department of Correctional Services confirmed that Pistorius was granted parole on Friday and has returned to his home under strict conditions.

"Pistorius was placed under correctional supervision as from today, 5 January 2024, and will be expected to comply with a specific set of conditions and will be subjected to supervision until his sentence expires," the department said in a statement.

Pistorius, who had both his legs amputated below the knee as a child, rose to fame as the first double-amputee to compete in the Olympics in 2012. He was nicknamed "Blade Runner" for his carbon-fiber prosthetic legs.

However, his career and reputation came crashing down on Valentine's Day 2013, when he fired four shots through a locked bathroom door in his home, killing Steenkamp, a model and law graduate. Pistorius claimed he mistook her for an intruder, but the prosecution argued that he killed her in a jealous rage after an argument. He was initially convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to five years in prison, but the conviction was overturned on appeal and replaced with a murder charge. He was then sentenced to six years in prison, which was later increased to 13 years and five months by the Supreme Court of Appeal. Pistorius has always maintained his innocence and has appealed to the Constitutional Court, the highest court in South Africa, to review his case. His lawyers argue that the Supreme Court of Appeal erred in its interpretation of the law and the facts of the case.

Pistorius' parole has sparked mixed reactions from the public and the media, with some expressing sympathy for his disability and others condemning his violent act and lenient sentence. The Steenkamp family has not commented on Pistorius' release, but their lawyer said they have accepted the court's decision and have moved on with their lives. "They don't want to be involved in this anymore. They have forgiven him. They have made peace with the situation," Tania Koen told Reuters.

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